Overview & Quickstart

RctMon connects to a single RCT Power inverter and exposes values to other programs. It does not support plant communication (using a inverter as a gateway to reach other inverters connected to it).

The program takes a moment to get up to speed, as it must discover the inverters inventory (e.g. are one or two solar generators connected, is there a battery and how many units does it have, is there a Power Switch present). It starts by requesting the device name, and if it receives an answer starts to request more information. As the information flows in, it starts requesting metrics from various parts of the setup. These metrics are periodically sent at different intervals (slow-changing ones more seldom than fast-changing ones).

Depending on the configuration, the information is presented via the Prometheus-compatible exposition endpoint or pushed to an InfluxDB or both at the same time.

Requirements and installation

The program requires at least Python 3.7 (e.g. on Debian Buster), as well as some packages from PyPI that are usually not (yet) packaged by most Linux distributions.

Thus, the recommended way is to install it into a virtual environment. As there hasn't been a release yet (and thus no package been pushed to PyPI), the best way is to install from the repository directly. As there are many different flavors of virtual environments, one was chosen for these examples: venv. Most distributions have this either installed by default or make it available as a package named python3-venv.

Installation from git directly

This method pulls the code into a virtualenv without cloning it first. It is pretty flexible in what version (down to the commit) to use, but not suitable for development.

Start by creating a virtual environment at a location of your liking (adapt paths accordingly) and activate it:

$ python3 -m venv ${HOME}/rctmon-venv
$ source ${HOME}/rctmon-venv/bin/activate
(rctmon-venv) $

Use pip to install the package. Depending on the URL you use, you can get different versions, here are some examples:

  • git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon installs the lastest commit in the default branch.

  • git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon@edd645d98f6790c78d5fe9834719f17d1114fb6b installs the version at the specified commit.

  • git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon@main installs the lastest commit in the branch main.

  • git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon@v0.0.1 installs the specified tag.

Assuming you wish to get the latest version, use the first URL:

(rctmon-venv) $ pip install git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon
Collecting git+https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon
  Cloning https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon to ./pip-req-build-cf05vntg
  Running command git clone -q https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon /tmp/pip-req-build-cf05vntg
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for rctmon, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: rctmon
    Running setup.py install for rctmon ... done
Successfully installed rctmon-0.0.1

The program is now installed as rctmon into the bin subfolder of the virtualenv and can be called from there.

Installation from local clone

More suitable for development, cloning the repository and installing it "editable" into a virtualenv allows for easy modifications that are effective at the next start of the program.

Start by cloning the repository to a location of your liking:

$ cd ${HOME}
$ git clone https://github.com/svalouch/rctmon
Cloning into 'rctclient'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 327, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (327/327), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (175/175), done.
remote: Total 327 (delta 185), reused 261 (delta 119), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (327/327), 149.61 KiB | 1.89 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (185/185), done.

Next, create a virtualenv and activate it. It doesn't matter where, even inside the cloned repository is fine:

$ python3 -m venv ${HOME}/rctmon-venv
$ source ${HOME}/rctmon-venv/bin/activate
(rctmon-venv) $

Then install it with pip. Specify the path to the cloned repository and specify --editable:

(rctmon-venv) $ pip install -e ${HOME}/rctmon/
Obtaining file:///home/user/rctmon
Installing collected packages: rctmon
  Running setup.py develop for rctmon
Successfully installed rctmon-0.0.1


There are two additional targets dev and docs which install additional dependencies for development. Specify one or both in square brakets at the end of the path in the pip install command: pip install -e rctmon[dev,docs] to have them installed automatically.


A configuration file is provided as an example in the repository as config.example.yml. As the name implies, the software expects a file in the YAML format for its configuration. The example file shows all the settings at their default values (unless otherwise noted). The sections need to exist, but may be empty to take the defaults.

 3# Example configuration. This configuration contains all the keys and their
 4# respective  defaults (if any).
 6# Section for connecting to the RCT device
 8  # IP or host name
 9  host:
10  # Network port
11  port: 8899
13# Monitoring the program
15  # Enables the prometheus endpoint for monitoring.
16  enable: true
17  # Enables exposing the readings from the device via prometheus
18  exposition: false
19  # Port to which to bind on the bind-address
20  bind_port: 9831
21  # Address to which to bind
22  bind_address:
24# Settings for InfluxDB 1.8 or 2.x
26  # Enables writing to InfluxDB
27  enable: false
28  # API endpoint where InfluxDB is listening
29  url: http://localhost:8086
30  # Auth token. For InfluxDB 1.8 use the format 'username:password'.
31  token: your-token
32  # Organization, InfluxDB 1.8 ignores this value
33  org: rct
34  # Bucket name, InfluxDB 1.8 uses this as database name
35  bucket: rct-inverter
37# Configuration for the logging behaviour of the application. It can be left
38# out entirely for most use-cases, the following shows the internal defaults
39# will be used then. If set, it is handed to "logging.config.dictConfig".
40# For more details, see:
41# https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#logging-config-dictschema
43  # mandatory, always 1
44  version: 1
46  # log format specifications
47  formatters:
48    simple:
49      format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
51  handlers:
52    # output to standard output
53    console:
54      class: logging.StreamHandler
55      formatter: simple
56      level: INFO
57      stream: ext://sys.stdout
59  # root-logger config, can be refined in "loggers:" section. It defines the
60  # default for all loggers
61  root:
62    level: INFO
63    handlers: [console]
65  # loggers:
66  #   rctmon.daemon:
67  #     handlers: [console]

Do not be afraid of the large logging-section, it can be left out entirely. The section just shows what the internal defaults are and hint at how to refine it if needed.

Section "device"

This section defines the address of the inverter (referenced as "device" throughout the codebase) to connect to, and which port to use. The port most likely doesn't need to be changed.

Section "prometheus"

Prometheus is a metrics-based monitoring system. RctMon provides a compatible endpoint, which is bound to by default (and can be viewed in a browser) if enable is true. It will expose various details about the process and the Python interpreter itself, as well as providing a view into the internal state of the running application. This is useful for setting up alerting, e.g. if it can't reach the inverter.

If exposition is enabled as well, it will also export all the metrics it collects at the aforementioned endpoint.

Section "influxdb"

The time series database InfluxDB is supported in versions 1.8 and 2.x, due to the usage of the new API, which was added to 1.8 to ease transition.


Appart from writing measurements, RctMon won't create any structures. The database (1.8) or bucket (2.x) as well as the user (1.8) or access token (2.x) needs to be supplied by the user.

Not creating structures allows the application to focus on its main tasks and limits the damange greatly should something go wrong. It only requires write-permission to the database or bucket.

The url defines the place where the write API can be reached. The database (1.8) or bucket (2.x) is specified in the bucket field. The org is only required for version 2.x and ignored in 1.8. The token needs to be set to <username>:<password> of the user for version 1.8 and the access token string for 2.x.


As of version 0.0.1, the application will hang if the InfluxDB cannot be reached. This will be addresses in later releases.

Section "logging"

This section can be omitted entirely, it just shows the internal defaults which log to stdout by default, suitable for the journal to pick it up. It is directly passed to logging.config.dictConfig to allow for maximum flexibility.

Note that this doesn't need to be touched to enable debug mode: Specify --debug on the command line will set (almost) all loggers to DEBUG level.


With a config file at hand and an activated virtualenv, simply run rctmon -c config.yml daemon. It will stay in foreground and (by default) log to standard output.

Optional: SystemD

If python3-systemd is installed in the virtualenv, the daemon will communicate its state to systemd, allowing for type=notify service units to be used. This is optional, without that module it can still be run as a simple service just fine.